use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
-- 截图增强v1.1.0 在Script Debugger 7.0.4测试通过
-- 默认用户初始状态:显示桌面图标、显示菜单栏、自动隐藏程序坞(Dock)
-- 隐藏桌面图标
do shell script "chflags -h hidden ~/Desktop/*"
-- 自动隐藏和显示菜单栏
tell application "System Preferences" to reveal the ¬
anchor named "main" of ¬
pane id ""
tell application "System Events" to tell ¬
process "System Preferences" to tell ¬
window "通用" to tell ¬
checkbox "自动隐藏和显示菜单栏" to ¬
perform action "AXPress"
delay 0.2
-- 调用系统快捷键 Shift + Command + 3截取全屏,下述1、2可以混用,请自由发挥
-- 1 想区域截图请把key code 20 改为21(对应键盘上的4)或22(对应键盘上的5)
-- 2 想把截图截取到剪贴板,请在花括号内增加【control down,】
tell application "System Events"
keystroke (key code 20 using {shift down, command down})
end tell
-- 延迟10秒,可自行更改
delay 10
-- 显示桌面图标
do shell script "chflags -h nohidden ~/Desktop/*"
-- 自动隐藏和显示菜单栏
tell application "System Preferences" to reveal the ¬
anchor named "main" of ¬
pane id ""
tell application "System Events" to tell ¬
process "System Preferences" to tell ¬
window "通用" to tell ¬
checkbox "自动隐藏和显示菜单栏" to ¬
perform action "AXPress"
quit application "System Preferences"